Judgment and Hope in O’Connor’s “Revelation”

Robert Bradley Dr. Ruzich English Studies Seminar Capstone 23 January 2023 Blog Post 2: Judgment and Hope in O’Connor’s “Revelation” In “Revelation” by Flannery O’Connor, the story’s main character Ruby Turpin judges everyone she has the chance to judge; however, when someone else judges her, at first, she doesn’t know how to handle that judgment. The end of the story offers readers a conclusion neatly tied up with a bow, as after judging all these people, Mrs. Turpin comes to the realization that all people, no matter their social status or appearance, make it into heaven. The vision that ends the story offers hope that people can change from their hateful ways. Throughout “Revelation,” Mrs. Turpin judges numerous people in the small hospital waiting room, especially the white trash lady and the child in the following excerpt: “Next to the ugly girl was the child, still in exactly the same position, a...